Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Head for the Hills-the Comet is Here

What will occur on May 25, 2006? Perhaps a planetary catastrophe originating from the Atlantic Ocean due to a medium size impact event. On this assumption, a series of giant waves, including one méga tsunami almost two hundred meters in height, will be born from a succession of underwater eruptions. These watery giants, decreasing with distance, will touch the majority of the Atlantic coasts; in particular, those most at risk lie between the equator and the tropic of Cancer. The victims of May 25 2006 will be tens of millions. The devastated survivors will be more numerous still.
A heavenly object, hardly larger than a truck, but animated by an enormous kinetic energy - its speed will be approximately 40 kilometers/second - will strike the Earth after having crossed the thick atmosphere of 80 kilometers, then the oceanic depths of 1500 meters at this place, to reach and shake the zone of the dorsal the mid-Atlantic rift crossing from North to the South on the Atlantic ocean floor. Currently, tens of underwater volcanoes lie largely dormant, ejecting very small quantities of magma emerging from gigantic chambers. They will break out, heating the sea water to a boiling point.
This object is said to be a fragment from the 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 comet currently passing closest to the Earth on May 14, 2006-we are now passing thru the tail of the comet as I write this. On the east coast you can see shooting stars between 3-4am from it's meteorites as they fall into the earths atmosphere. May 16th Australians saw one meteorite burn thru and land see: Green Meteorite Lands In Australia
So if you are inland-and happen to survive the deluge than this is a great opportunity to get into the "after catastophe clean up business". You will need a really big dump trailer and perhaps a heavy duty Dumpster to aid in the cleanup effort. The waters from the Mega Tsunami will eventually recede and there will be a really big mess to cleanup.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Mess that Flooding Leaves Behind

Storm-weary New England residents waded out into a fifth day of rain Tuesday as the region's dams kept a tenuous hold against cresting rivers and evacuees wondered what remained of their homes after water filled their basements and surged over some rooftops.
Across northeastern Massachusetts, thousands of people fled submerged neighborhoods during the region's worst flooding in nearly 70 years. More than a foot of rain fell during the weekend in some areas.
Over the next few weeks many will be returning to the mess that the floods have left behind. Carpets will need to be removed and in some cases wooden floors and walls will need to be replaced. Soaked furniture will need to be thrown out. Books, newspapers, photos, anything that is water damaged will be piling up outside of homes as people try to salvage what is left. A Dumpster or dump trailer would come in handy in times like these. The waters will leave the streets and backyards strewn with debris, tree branches and leaves. As this dries out people will get tired of looking at it and start wanting to clean up the mess. The people of New England will persevere and life will go on.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Dumpsters For Construction Sites

I had someone ask me what a dumpster could be used for so I came up with a list to help them decide if they needed one. Dumpsters can be used for Excavations, Demolition, Construction Site Cleanup as Construction Waste Containers, You can Rent them out as a Container Service, Rubbish Removal, Carting - Debris, Chemical Waste Disposal, Construction Clean Up, Garbage Disposal, for Interior Demolition Contractors, Pallet Recycling, Post Construction Clean Up, Recycling Waste Products, Trash Removal, Waste Reduction & Recycling, you could call it a Waste Removal System for Wood Waste Recycling to name a few uses. If you think you need one then you probably do and if you think you need a medium size dumpster than you probably actually need one even larger. Dumpster rentals run about $500 a month here in my area of Florida which includes having them picked up once or twice a month. So owning one you can dump yourself is very cost effective especially if you need it alot during the year. You can find many different sizes of Dumpsters and dump trailers at Florida Earth Movers

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Drought and Fires Wreak Havoc in Florida

Wildfires roaring across Interstate 95 in Brevard county have left the backyards of hundreds of homeowners covered in soot, ash and burned trees and shrubs. One man lost his entire collection of antique trucks to the flames. Homeowners tried in vain to water their lawns as the smoke started coming closer to them. The firefighters did the best they could to keep the flames away from homes but there was still alot of damage. Burned up cars, patio furniture, swing sets, everything you normally have in your back yard can burn and melt from the intense heat.
Times like these call for an enormous cleanup effort and it's not even summer yet. The drought here shows no signs of letting up, everyone is trying to conserve water, some people are worried their wells may run dry soon if we don't get some rain. These are unusual weather conditions for this time of year in this part of the country. A sign that we should all be prepared for more unusual weather ahead. Intense heat is what heats up the oceans and brings in those massive hurricanes. Even if you don't plan to stick around for the onslaught you will still be coming back to a mess to clean up afterwards. So now is the time to think about buying that dump trailer before you need it. Even if you don't need it you can be sure there will be someone that would pay to use it. Be sure to read the rest of my articles about which dump trailer to buy in the rest of this blog.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ask Me About the Monkey

Why is "Ask me about the monkey?" worth putting on my business card? As with my father's question and the comedian's question, it stops your brain in its tracks. It makes you pause. It makes you focus on ME. The theory is that once you stop someone with a confusing line, you can then implant a hypnotic command right after it. So here it is: "You need a Dump Trailer".
That got your attention didn't it. Now why would you need one? I can answer that question in just a few short sentences that will make you really want one. To do yard work and landscaping to make your home more beautiful and be the envy of all your neighbors, to be better prepared for cleaning up after storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. To earn money in a landscaping business, to haul gravel, sand, wood chips, anything that can be dumped. Dumping is a whole lot easier than unloading by hand that's for sure. Now that's got you thinking-maybe you really do need one but what kind and what size. Just give Florida Dump Trailers a visit online and they can help you make that decision by asking you just a few simple questions.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Summer is Near and RV Time is Here

With summertime comes the family vacation more of which are being taken in recreational vehicles because alot of us don't want to deal with being treated like terrorists and packed into airplanes like so many sardines. I know the price of gas is making it harder to take to the road but airfares are just as bad. More people are opting for the 1 to 2 day RV ride to an attraction to camp out nearby. RV camping is also popular around yearly events as well - just look at infield of the Daytona Speedway for an example or the campgrounds around the Tuscon Gem and Mineral show. Of course it's handy to have a smaller vehicle to drive after your all parked and settled in. That's where a tilt trailer comes in handy. Tilt trailers are easy to drive up on for loading and unloading your car, motorcycle or ATV. With the tilt trailer from Florida Earth Movers no ramps are needed - the deck tilts and you drive on - what could be easier. So take a vacation here in the states closer to home this year in the new symbol of American freedom - the family RV.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Do I Need a Chipper Body

Do you do alot of tree cutting and branch trimming? Do you use a chipper that you own yourself or do you rent one? These are questions you are going to want to ask yourself before deciding whether you need a chipper body. A Chipper body can be put on the back of your pickup truck to collect the chips from the chipper. Then you can add these chips to a pile for selling retail or use them yourself for landscaping. If you do alot of land clearing you can create quite a substantial pile of wood chips that you can then sell for an added profit. Wood chips are in big demand in the spring time when people start to do more landscaping. They are used around trees and shrubs to give property a more professional finished appearance. You will see wood chips used alot around commercial landscaping and on medians as well. Depending on what type of look you want some landscapers use different colors and types of wood chips. One place that sells an easy to install chipper body is Florida Earth Movers. They have a wide selection of chipper body sizes and prices to choose from. Their Chipper body unit is manufactured with 10 and 12 gauge steel and weighs approximately 800 lbs. It bolts on to the top rail of the dump body and has four hooks mounted on each side of the top of it for easy installation and removal. When mounted on top of the standard dump body, the chipper will hold 10 1/2 cubic yards of material. I hope this information helps you to make a more educated decision about whether you need a chipper body and what size you would like to get.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Global Warming Blamed for 2005 Hurricanes

A leading U.S. government storm expert blames last year's devastating hurricane season on global warming, Reuters hurricane reports. "The hurricanes we are seeing are indeed a direct result of climate change and it's no longer something we'll see in the future, it's happening now," said Greg Holland of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo.
Is that enough warning for you?
How much more heads up do you need-get out the survival gear-we are in for a long hard storm season ahead.
Plan A be prepared for the storm and Plan B be prepared for cleaning up after the storm.
One way to make cleanup easier is to get a dump trailer. I can't emphasize enough how much easier it is to cleanup after a storm with one. It's great to have a place to throw all that storm debris and a way to haul it off for easy dumping. I think I've written enough about how to find the one that is right for you in previous articles so get started and find a dump trailer now while the weather is fine.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Super Storms Linked To Global Warming

One of the fiercest tropical storms to hit Australia has scientists and environmentalists concerned that global warming could lead to more super cyclones. Cyclones are what hurricanes are called in the Pacific so one could also say that global warming may also contribute to hurricanes as well. Ask anyone along the gulf coast and they will definitely say the ocean is like bathwater already and bound to get hotter. Even the raspberries here in Florida are ripening earlier. Is that a sign of global warming like so many other earlier than usual signs of spring and summer we are hearing about around the globe. Well with that in mind let's just assume we are going to get hit with weather as bad as if not worse than last year and be better prepared. Tune up your generator, set aside your survival gear and get plenty of food and water. It's gonna be a long hot summer. And don't just stand around wondering how you are gonna haul away all the mess that's left behind. Get a dump trailer. Isn't that a bit overkill you are saying. I think you have a better idea for hauling debris or are you gonna wait till you are standing there surrounded by it scratching your head wondering what to do. I hope you won't need a big dump trailer, maybe just a small one will do. But now is the time to think about it.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

How to Know What Type of Dump Trailer You Need

It's difficult to know what size or type of dump trailer you will need when you are planning to do many different types of work with it. It is best to write down all the different things you want to accomplish with it such as collecting debris to be taken to the dump, hauling dirt for landscaping, hauling cedar chips for landscaping,etc. Think about how much room you are going to need for these tasks.
Ask yourself what types of vehicles do you have that can pull a dump trailer, what is their hauling capacity. Look in the owners manual for each vehicle to be sure. These are all questions you need to answer for yourself before shopping around for a dump trailer or a trailer of any kind.
After you have these questions answered it is a good idea to call around to many different manufacturer of dump trailers to see which ones take the time to answer your questions. Are they pushy and try to rush you into purchasing a certain model without listening to you or do they truly take the time to listen to your concerns? Are they pleasant even after you tell them you will get back to them later? A good salesperson never closes the door but leaves it open to future possibilities.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Spring is Boomtime for Landscaping Business

Now is the time to buy that new equipment for your landscaping business if you haven't already. Spring is here in the southern part of the US and things are warming up north. Everyone is thinking about landscaping and gardening this time of year. Be sure you have a big enough utility trailer to carry all that new equipment you probably have already purchased. Perhaps you are needing to add another trailer to haul extra equipment around for all that new business you are now getting. I have seen some lawn maintenance companies show up with two trailers and two pickup trucks full of workers at a time to get the job done faster, especially on commercial projects like condominiums and apartments. Don't get left behind in the race to get those landscaping contracts. Be sure you have the equipment to do the job right.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Got a Pickup Truck but Need a Dump Truck?

Got a pickup truck but need a dump truck? You can turn your pickup truck into a dump truck with the dump trailer and dump bodies from Florida Earth Movers! Whether you are in the landscaping business, construction business, storm cleanup business or just doing alot of yard work there is a large selection of dump trailers to choose from. You may have seen the many different types of dump trailers hard at work in such hard hit places as Florida and New Orleans after the hurricanes and now even in the mid west after all those tornadoes. If you live in any of these area do yourself a big favor and get one before you need it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cleaning up After Tornadoes

Tennessee was hard hit by tornadoes this week- dump trucks were needed to haul away the wreckage. Tornadoes were spotted in about 10 Tennessee counties Friday, the second wave of deadly storms to hit the state in less than a week. Some residents of the hardest hit areas are starting to clear up the debris themselves not wanting to wait for overwhelmed dump trucks. If you find yourself going into these disaster areas to help cleanup you might want to bring along a good dump trailer to help out.
You can find dump trailers of all sizes at Florida Earth Movers and financing is available. Buying a dump trailer is a good investment in your disaster cleanup business or as a way to help yourself and your neighbors.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Hurricane Season Forecasters Predict 17 Hurricanes

Hurricane season is coming soon and as many of you saw on the news-there have been an inordinate number of tornadoes lately. I think this year is going to present more storms than last year-or at least just as many. According to the weather forecasters we will have 17 hurricanes this year-which is equal to the number last year and at least 5 of them will a category 3 or above. So I think it behooves everyone to be more prepared this time around.
One way of getting ready is to get a really good dump trailer for your pickup truck. Even if you don't end up needing it this year, you can still use it for yard work and I'm sure that you will find many neighbors that would love to rent it from you. If you get the kind that attaches to a trailer hitch it can be pulled by many different types of heavy duty pickup trucks. The Dump Trailers at Florida Earth Movers are reasonably priced and if you tell them what kind of vehicle you have to pull it with they can help you pick out which one would be best for you.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

What is a Dump Trailer

A dump truck is a truck used for transporting materials (usually gravel or some type of soil) for construction. A typical dump truck is equipped with a hydraulically operated open-box bed hinged at the rear, the front of which can be lifted up to allow the contents to be deposited on the ground behind the truck at the site of delivery.
A dump trailer works primarily the same way but is pulled behind a truck as a separate vehicle from the truck. Depending on what type of dump trailer you get the connections to the truck it is being pulled by vary. Most dump trailers can be pulled by a pickup truck equipped with a reese hitch, fifth wheel or ball hitch. When shopping for a dump trailer be sure you look for the one that will work with the type of hitch you already have on your truck or plan on getting one that will work.
I have found the people at Florida Earth Movers are very knowledgeable about these things for the best thing to do would be to call them, as I am sure they can be of great help with such matters.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Medium Size Dump Trailers are Easy to Haul

We were looking for an easy to haul dump trailer and ran across the trailers at Florida Earth Movers. This medium dump trailer is a dream come true! It is a deck over model and built tough but light enough to pull behind any truck. It is priced so anyone looking for a great dump trailer can afford it! If you are looking for a great dump trailer that is affordable and easy to haul behine your pickup this is the one.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Which Type of Dump Trailer to Choose

We do alot of land clearing and needed a new dump trailer so I searched the internet and found alot of different choices from many different manufacturers. I made some phone calls and asked lots of questions. I was especially pleased with the customer service from FEM they were very knowledgable and seemed to understand exactly what I was looking for. They recommended their Heavy Duty Dump Trailer because we could easily pull it behind our dually pickup truck. It is just the right size for the brush and debris we have to haul away. So if you are in the market for a heavy duty dump trailer give them a try-you will be glad you did.
Thanks for visiting my blog, Ann Menke

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Chipper Bodies for Pickup Trucks

We do alot of land clearing and find that using the wood chips as fill and to make properties look better around the borders is a great idea. We needed a way to haul the chips to other properties we were working on so found a great Chipper dump body for our pickup truck from Florida Earth Movers
It bolts on to the top rail of the dump truck and has four hooks mounted on each side of the top of it for easy installation and removal. It holds up to 10 1/2 cubic yards of material so there is plenty of room for storing wood chips for use with a large chipper. If you are looking for an easy to use chipper body this is just what you are looking for.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Finding a Trailer for your Car

We needed a trailer we could haul behind our 35 ft. RV to pull our car along with us on long trips so we shopped around and found a trailer that was easy to drive up on. It is the tilt trailer - the deck tilts and you drive on!
It is so much easier to use than the kind with the just enough room for the wheels that you have to worry about rolling off the side of. And it comes in many different sizes in case you only need one for a motorcycle or ATV. You can see car trailers here. If you are looking for an easy to use car or motorcycle trailer this is just what you've been looking for.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Utility Trailers for Our Landscaping Business

We are starting to get really busy this time of year doing landscaping here in Florida and having a good utility trailer is an absolute must. We needed one that could haul all our mowers, rakes, weedwackers, edgers and blowers as well as potted plants and small trees. So I shopped around and found just the ticket at Florida Earth Movers
They have all kinds of trailers to look at but I went straight for the one here landscaping trailer with all the standard features and ordered it with some of the options.
They come in all different sizes that you can comfortably haul behind a truck. My husband was so happy to finally get a new trailer and gave his old one to our son who is now joining us in the landscaping business. Of course we are hoping he goes to college after he finishes high school but it is a great way for him to make a lot of extra money this summer. He is already offering jobs to some of his classmates to help him and may end up being a boss himself before the year is out.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Gooseneck Trailers are Easy to Haul

I have been looking into what would be the most functional type of trailer and I have found that a goose neck works great with my Dually pickup truck. It has a built in goose neck hitch so I shopped around for a dump trailer that had a gooseneck on it and came across the one on Gooseneck Trailer
It fit perfectly with my truck and I am able to use it to haul all kinds of debris, sand, mulch and landscape materials easily. I would highly recommend that if you are looking for a goose neck trailer to give them a visit. They also have a lot of other types of trailers for many different uses.
Whether you are looking for something for around the yard or need a dump trailer for big jobs they seem to have it all.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Storm Debris Cleanup

After all the news about global warming, bird flu and mad cow you just know that this year is going to be a bang up year for hurricanes. Knowing how the past 2 years have been here in Florida now is a good time to plan ahead and have good dump trailer on hand. Or at the very least a dump bed for your pickup for those big cleanup jobs. Even if you don't need it you or your teenagers can sure make money helping those that do. I found some great dump beds for pickups and ended up buying one for our Ford F150. We just threw all those palm fronds, branches and shovel fulls of debris in the bed and dumped it into a big pile for burning later. It was a whole lot easier than using a wheel barrow. We didn't get hit that bad around here so it was mostly yard cleanup but it was alot bigger than just plain yard work. We lost a few pine trees and maples that had to be cut up. So plan ahead and get yersef the biggest dump bed or dump trailer you can afford - I hear this years gonna be just as bad as last year if not worse. You can't help but think that looking at all the bad weather in the mid west and most recently Australia. We get tornadoes here too but I haven't seen anything that bad yet.
God Bless and hope you'all have a safe summer.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Cleaning up After Hurricanes

Last summer we bought a hurricane damaged building that needed alot of roof repairs and were faced with having alot of debris to cleanup. I looked into renting a dumpster but they wanted us to sign a year long contract which I felt we did not need. So that's when I looked into buying a dump trailer that we could haul ourselves.
After much comparison shopping I found the
heavy duty dumpster
It is great for disaster cleanup, roofing tear offs, hauling debris or other materials requiring large volumes that need dumping. So now we have our dumpster on wheels!
No monthly leasing costs and we take it all to the recycling dump which does not charge us.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Uses for Small Dump Trailers

We were doing some landscaping recently and I felt the need to find a really good small dump trailer that could be used for hauling debris and dirt on our property.
That's when I ran across small dump trailers they have a wide selection of large and small dump trailers for all kinds of uses.
The sales people were quite knowledgeable about what kind of trailer I would need for what it was I was trying to do.
We have quite a few acres of land that needs to cleaned up and their smallest model was just right. It is built with a heavy duty 12 Ga. floor and 14 Ga. sides. The double action tailgate is also built with 12 Ga. steel. The low 23" deck height makes it a breeze to load and the standard hand held remote control makes it the perfect package!