Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ask Me About the Monkey

Why is "Ask me about the monkey?" worth putting on my business card? As with my father's question and the comedian's question, it stops your brain in its tracks. It makes you pause. It makes you focus on ME. The theory is that once you stop someone with a confusing line, you can then implant a hypnotic command right after it. So here it is: "You need a Dump Trailer".
That got your attention didn't it. Now why would you need one? I can answer that question in just a few short sentences that will make you really want one. To do yard work and landscaping to make your home more beautiful and be the envy of all your neighbors, to be better prepared for cleaning up after storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. To earn money in a landscaping business, to haul gravel, sand, wood chips, anything that can be dumped. Dumping is a whole lot easier than unloading by hand that's for sure. Now that's got you thinking-maybe you really do need one but what kind and what size. Just give Florida Dump Trailers a visit online and they can help you make that decision by asking you just a few simple questions.

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